Child labor in the Republic of Yemen


Prof. Waheeba Ghalib Faree Al-Faqih
Queen Arwa University
Ghazi Abdullah Abdullrab
Queen Arwa University
Abdullah Hazaa
Queen Arwa University
Mohammed Ismail Al-Srouri
Queen Arwa University


Child labor, Child Rights, children, The Developing Countries


The phenomenon of child labor in Yemeni society is considered one of the new phenomena, and it appeared after the economic faltering and the return of expatriates after the Gulf crisis in 1990. This phenomenon is linked to children dropping out of basic education and the spread of the phenomenon of begging among them. The proportion of working children in the age group of 10 to 14 years was about 6.5% of the total labor force in the 1994 census.

This phenomenon has a humanitarian impact on children and prevents them from receiving education, as the illiteracy rate in Yemeni society for the population over the age of ten exceeds 60%. This puts pressure on legislators and policy makers to adopt laws that protect children from actions dangerous to their health and morals.

The Rada Barnen Foundation funded a study to understand this phenomenon in Yemen. The study included the background of the problem, its local reality, the causes of the motivations and conditions of working children, and its social and economic impacts. We hope that this study will contribute to developing policies that protect the rights of these children and help them achieve a better future in society.

  Head of the work team
Prof. Waheeba Ghalib Faree  Al-Faqih
Professor of Educational Sociology, Sana'a University


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Author Biography

Prof. Waheeba Ghalib Faree Al-Faqih, Queen Arwa University

Queen Arwa University


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Child labor in the Republic of Yemen



February 28, 1997



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How to Cite

Al-Faqih, P. W. G. F. . ., Abdullrab, G. A., Hazaa, A., & Al-Srouri, M. I. (1997). Child labor in the Republic of Yemen: Vol. Volume 1. Queen Arwa University Press .